Saturday, June 1, 2013

And those were the days....

For whatever reason, I’m feeling extra nostalgic today.  As you know from previous blogs, I’m always thinking about the glory days, so this isn’t much of a stretch for me.  Even so, I’m not sure what’s brought on this extra yearning for those carefree days of youth.  Perhaps it’s the recent turmoil in my professional life, or maybe it’s the fact that my daughter is nearing her 21st birthday and an empty nest will be my reality soon.  It’s hard to pinpoint exactly where this flood of emotion and sentiment is coming from.  As usual, though, music is attached in some form or fashion to all of the memories consuming my thoughts.

Back in the day, I was never without a blank VCR and/or cassette tape in my possession.  It seemed that I was always taping something music related, whether I was going to miss the original airing or just wanted to have the tape to listen to or watch over, and over, and over again!  In today’s world, the DVR has replaced the trusty ole VCR and mine has been very busy of late.  As fate would have it, first up on the list of recordings to view today was Rachael Ray’s show paying tribute to our beloved 80’s!  With special guests including Mark Goodman, Nina Blackwood, Martha Quinn and Alan Hunter, the original VJ’s of MTV (sadly without J.J. Jackson, RIP), Huey Lewis and Colin Quinn, I got a good blast from the past for sure.  Remember those days of watching MTV and actually hearing music and seeing music videos?  Thus the “M” in MTV….ok, I’ll stop before I get on my soapbox.

With my nostalgia kicking into high gear, I went digging through the old keepsake boxes.  Rather quickly, I found a book of memories from my senior year in high school.  Tucked within those pages are mementos of an incredibly fun-loving and music-filled time.  Almost as if it was seeking me out instead of the other way around, the book literally fell open to the page where I had taped several concert tickets of my favorite bands…..Whitesnake, Aerosmith…and of course Bon Jovi!  While the yellowed tape indicated the years that have passed, it still seems like yesterday.  

On the page titled "Favorite Memories".....further details not to be provided! LOL

Right at the top of the page was a card that literally made me laugh out loud.  It was a “baseball card” with Bon Jovi’s picture on the front, and info about the band on the back.  The laughter is because I immediately remembered how I had put together a full 10 minute speech for my final grade in speech class literally off the paragraph on the back of that card.  Yeah, when it comes to great music from a great band, I tend to have mouth-runeth-overith!  Hey it worked for an “A”…don’t judge. ;) 


In keeping with the tone of the day, I’m headed to the old VCR tapes.  It seems only fitting that I pop the ole “Slippery When Wet” tape in.  As I do…another thought comes to mind. Many people have been chatting recently about how Bon Jovi has kept going all these years, still touring, etc.  While there have been recent stories in the media suggesting strife within the ranks, I’m choosing to believe it’s all ca-ca (Spanish for…well…look it up!).  And, if you ask me…I don’t have to ponder their longevity for very long.  It’s because they’ve created an impressive, both in number and substance, catalog of songs while staying true to themselves and remaining loyal to their fans.  Remember the “Pizza Parlor Jury?”  How many bands invite a group of kids into the studio to help choose the songs for an album??  Unheard of I tell ya, and we love em for it!

Now......a few favorites.  Enjoy!!


1989 MTV VMAs “Livin’ on a Prayer” and “Wanted Dead or Alive”



And of course…

“You Give Love A Bad Name”

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